Speed Demon

11” by 5” by 7”

april 2024

mixed media sculpture using papier-mâché, joint compound, felted wool, vintage buttons, wire, eva foam, cotton, paper, whittled basswood, and a steering wheel made of a screw, wall anchor, and curtain ring.


5” by 7”

march 2024

papier-mâché, whittled basswood, gouache, acrylic paint, colored pencils, joint compound, felt, polystryene

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

winter 2019

30” by 40”

hand-painted laser-cut MDF

a working clock!


november 2019

14” by 14” by 8”

hand-painted laser-cut MDF

Everybody Dies

spring 2019

hand-sewed felt, papier-mâché, plywood, polyester stuffing


Birthday Candles are Only Sold in Packs of 24

spring 2019

spackle, cardboard, acrylic paint

birthday sculpture 2.jpg

Some Things Are Better Left Untouched

spring 2019

steel rod, yarn

Tunnel of Love

spring 2019

plywood, acrylic paint, foam, modeling clay, fabric, LEDs inside of a suitcase